Saturday, December 6, 2008

I just got my new phone!

Omg! I just got my phone! Up above is a picture of it! I got it at radioshack with raini last night... It was a little wierd because i paid for it all in change(like seriously we only got a penny back) but it is my first cellphone wether its the nicest one or not. But i love it to death and would give the world my number if i didn't want stalkers and people running up my bill.

1 comment:

~Raini~ said...

HI!! Remeber your theary about how my mom would be outside as soon as we walked out and I doubted that and we didn't see my brother and that happenned? It was so creepy!! It was like they read our minds or heard us from a million miles away. So how did you like HSM3?
